Hardship faced by landlord at the hands of the tenant and vice versa is very common these days. Disputes between landlords and their tenants are usually stressful for both parties.

If you are having problems with your landlord or tenant, first try to resolve the issue by speaking with them directly about the problem. If the matter remains unresolved, you can come with us because we provide advice and representation to both landlords and tenants in respect of their rights in applications to acquire the rented premises and rent/lease extensions of the property.

Ejectment actions;

It can be said the ejectment is an action to restore the possession of property to the person entitled for it under section 15 Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance, 1979 and Cantonment Rent Laws provide different grounds for eviction of tenant from the rented property.

Ejectment on the ground of Personal Need

Ejectment on the ground of Default

Ejectment on the ground of breach of agreement

Ejectment on the ground of creating sub-tenancy

Ejectment on the ground of mis-use of property

Ejectment on the ground of re-construction

However, ejectment of tenant from the rented premises is not an easy task, it requires complete knowledge of rent laws, technicalities and most importantly carriage to evict the rented premises from the tenants. We have successfully acquired the rented premises where running School, Industrial plant, Commercial office, residential flats from the different areas of Karachi.

On the other hand, in many cases, we have proved the malafide of the landlord and successfully retained the rented property as the key factor of success is a complete knowledge and significant expertise in the rent issues.

Rent/Lease Agreement

 Rent/lease agreement is a very important document which requires essential knowledge and specific expertise in rent issues. Our foreign qualified lawyers have an expertise to draft such documents which certainly minimize any future risk.