Registration of patents in Pakistan is governed by “Patents Ordinance 2000” and “Patents Rules,2003” in order to give effect the laws and provisions of “International convention on trade related intellectual property rights,1994” also known as “TRIPS agreement”. The TRIPS agreement introduced intellectual property law into the international trading system for the first time.  However, it is important to mention here that Pakistan on July 22nd, 2004 has signed the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property the “Paris Convention”. On Dec 2000 the president of Pakistan promulgated “Patent ordinance 2000”. The Ordinance repealed the “Patent and Design Act, 1911”.

Rights of patent is governed by “Intellectual property” refers to the idea, concepts related to material items that any person can claim an exclusive or monopoly for these things, for a limited period of time prescribed by the laws related to it. Intellectual property covers all rights related to copyright, trademark, Patents etc.

The very purpose of patents laws is to provide protection for intention. It is a legally enforceable right which prevents others from exploiting an invention.

The Firm provides comprehensive Patent services including Protection, Enforcement, Commercialization and a suite of Search and Analytics services. Advanced technical qualifications, legal skills and practical business experience enable our patent team to appreciate and protect inventions across myriad technologies.


We provide services for clients from filing to grant and evaluate each patent disclosure in accordance with the Pakistan patent law prior to filing it at the IPO.


The patent system in Pakistan allows challengers to file invalidity proceedings at several stages before and after the grant of a patent. The processes of the IPO are in a developmental stage and Courts occasionally play an interventional role in bringing these processes in line with international standards. We specialize in strategizing for and representing clients in contentious proceedings before the IPO, Tribunal and the Courts.


In an increasingly technology driven world, tremendous wealth can be tapped by building and nurturing an effective patent portfolio. We help our clients derive value from technology through appropriate mechanisms such as licensing, technology transfer agreements, patent audits, etc.


We conduct Freedom to Operate searches, validity searches, white space analysis, risk analysis and feasibility opinions.

Further relevant link

How to register patents in Pakistan