Legal heirs of the deceased are become entitled to inherit the legacy of the deceased from the day of her/his died. Such entitlement is based on operation of Islamic law and the law of Inheritance. However, the legal issue surrounding inherited property is reasonably complex, as the problem often involves multiple areas of law. While it is common for individuals to inherit property after a loved one passes away, the new owner must understand his or her legal options as it is almost guaranteed that legal issues will arise.

There are multiple issues arises on the inherited issues. For instance:

  • What are the assets left behind by the deceased?
  • Who are entitled to inherit the deceased property?
  • How to devoid shares amongst the legal heirs?
  • Defect in title of deceased property(s);
  • How to partition a property amongst the legal heirs when the deceased property cannot be partitioned by metes and bounds?
  • Lost of original title documents of deceased property(s);
  • Claiming of ownership by one of the legal heirs on the basis of forged and fabricated Gift Deed, Final Family Settlement, Sale Agreement with deceased, Relinquishment Deed etc.;
  • Death of one legal heir during the life of the deceased. Whether pre-deceased legal heir will be entitled for his/her due shares;
  • Only one legal heir of the deceased enjoying the deceased’s property and rest of co-shares are being deprived.
  • Refuse/avoid to give the daughters/sisters their due share in the inheritance of their predecessors by male co-shares. It is also very common in this region, normally avoid to give the daughters/sisters i.e. women folk, their due shares in the inheritance of their predecessors which is totally against the Sharia and law of inheritance prevailing in the country.
  • Whether the adopted child is entitled to inherit the deceased property?
  • How to claim the occupation of the deceased property on the basis of Will?

We have an expertise to resolve such issues related to inherited properties by filing or/and defending Suits for Declarations, Cancellations, Injunctions, Possessions, Partitions including their Appeals, Revisions and Reviews etc. We have successfully challenged a number of forged, fictitious and fabricated property document such as Gift Deeds, Family Settlement Agreement, Sale Deed, Wills etc. related to inherited properties before the Court of law by filling suits for declaration, cancellation and permanent injunction.

We have an excellent record to protect our client’s properties by obtaining restraining orders on immediate basis. In fact, we have protected numbers of properties of our overseas Pakistani clients by getting favorable orders from the Honorable Courts.