The consumers are the real reason for the production of the goods manufactured and the services advanced. The consumers are a vital part of trade market and they have complete right to determine and buy the products wisely and intelligently giving consideration to the prices and the worth of those goods.

Consumers and customers are usually taken advantage of for the purpose of misleading and misguiding them into buying fraudulent, misrepresented and inadequate goods and services which results adversely and in a crippling way. Therefore, the protection of consumer rights is substantial. However, the public is mostly uneducated or uninformed about consumer rights, an integral component of civil rights.

There have been numerous instances where such fraudulent and inadequate goods where manufactured and sold to the customers who were made to face the consequences of those illegal and hazardous goods. 


  1. Fake and replica medicines and syrups made by the pharmacies which are usually not registered.
  2. Facial creams manufactured by harmful and substandard chemicals destroying the skins of the consumers.
  3. Hair oil with hazardous ingredients.
  4. Food items containing such preservatives that could harm and destroy the system of a human body
  5. The use of haram and forbidden ingredients such as alcohol and pork in the frozen and fresh foods.
  6. Use of rotten animals and eggs in the restaurants which usually results in the consumers being hospitalized.
  7. False warrantee cards issued with the products in order to fool and deceive the consumers.
  8. Old and rotten food sold in the retail markets.
  9. Copied item sold in the name of original brands on high prices.

These kinds of illegal and illicit practices, have gain power and have become very common in Pakistan. In spite of abundant laws made and implemented there are people with criminal tendencies who have the guts to perform action with unfavorable consequences. In order to completely eradicate them and to maintain a healthy trade environment, law enforcing agencies have been strictly and vigilantly watching over the trade practices in the country and interrogating the suspects who are presumed to be a part of any kind of inappropriate business and trade.

If you have been treated unfairly by a business, whole sellers, agency, or any other retailer or vendor of consumer goods or professional services, or if you are the victim of unfair business practices or deceptive advertising, the consumer protection attorneys at “THE LAWYERS” can help.

Consumer protection to safeguard consumers is sorely required. Accepting cases related to consumer protection has enabled us to provide a vital service to the public.

We work to protect your consumer rights and help clients victimized by unscrupulous businesses and creditors who use unfair and deceptive acts and practices to take advantage of them. If you have been tricked, duped, or treated unfairly, we can help you determine what your options are and what recourse you have.

Further relevant links: