“The Lawyers” is a full-service IP law firm, providing end-to-end legal solutions covering all cross-sections of Intellectual Property and allied areas.

The firm’s expertise is widely acknowledged in addressing complex IP challenges of all types.  Our dedicated team of I.P. legal professionals has the resources and expertise, needs for the protection of our client’s innovations. We have the ability to advice our clients on creation, registration and protection of intellectual property rights throughout the world. One more thing, we can save your innovations, business identification, business marks from internet infringers who illegally infringes your I.P. on internet for monitory gains.

The Firm regularly deals with protection of IP and contentious matters in different forums at all levels including the Trademark Offices, the Copyright Office, the Design Office, Patent Offices, Intellectual Property Appellate Tribunal and Courts of law.

Our seasoned IP trial’s lawyers have an impressive range of courtroom experience who prosecute and litigate complex IP matters, assisting clients in protecting their intellectual property rights from infringement, counterfeiting, misappropriation and unfair competition.

Our Lawyers regularly advise clients on the commercialization of their intellectual property through licensing, merchandizing and other applications, as well as guiding them through the IP aspects associated with mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, securitizations, private placements and other corporate and finance transactions.

We also have significant experience advising clients on related issues such as regulatory concerns, privacy, data protection, distribution agreements and branding and patenting strategies also forms an important part of our practice.

You can rely on our technical expertise and practical know-how when prosecuting and defending Intellectual property infringement cases, passing-off/unfair competition and managing anti-piracy campaigns and raids against traders selling counterfeit goods in association with relevant government agencies.

The Firm provides comprehensive services which include the following:

  • Trademark
  • Copyright
  • Design
  • Patent